24/25 - SGSSS Supervisor-led Steers Studentship Competition
Opens 21 Aug 2024 09:00 (GMT)
Deadline 25 Sep 2024 17:00 (GMT)

**Only the first/lead supervisor should submit an application, i.e., on behalf of the supervisory team**

SGSSS Supervisor-led Steers Studentship Competition
This application program is for supervisors looking to apply for ESRC studentship funding via our Steers Studentship Competition

Each supervisor may submit only one Stage 1 Application (expression of interest), however they can submit the same Stage 1 Application to all three steers, if applicable. Please note, this applies to any application where you are named as a supervisor, not just first supervisor applications.

In line with the ESRC’s core commitment to enhancing social science capability and building capacity in priority areas, the SGSSS is running a two stage supervisor-led competition, awarding funded studentships in the following priority areas (steers):  

  • Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM)
  • Datasets
  • Interdisciplinary research which straddles other research council remits

To find out more about each steer, please see the ESRC’s Guidance on Steers and Targets (updated guidance on the steers & targets is subject to confirmation by ESRC). Please note, additional information on Datasets is included in the competition guidance.

Applications should be submitted by prospective first/lead supervisors only, based within recognised SGSSS-DTP institutions and Units of Assessment (visit this page for more). Supervisors must have undergone supervisor training within their current institution during the last 5 years. SGSSS supports applications from academics at any stage in their careers, i.e., from early career researchers to more experienced supervisors. What we do ask however, is if a less experienced academic is applying as the first/lead supervisor, that they have one or more members on the supervisory team that are experienced in supervising PhD students to completion, i.e., a supervisor with at least two PhD completions.

Second supervisors may work within any of the SGSSS 16 partner institutions. We encourage applicants to consider co-supervision with different institutions across our network. You can find more information about the SGSSS partner institutions here.

Please ensure you have read the competition guidance carefully before you apply, as well as to access the application form.

The deadline for Stage 1 Applications is 5pm (BST) on Wednesday, 25th September 2024. If successful at Stage 1, shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a 'full' Stage 2 Application on Friday, 25th October 2024.

24/25 - SGSSS Supervisor-led Steers Studentship Competition

**Only the first/lead supervisor should submit an application, i.e., on behalf of the supervisory team**

SGSSS Supervisor-led Steers Studentship Competition
This application program is for supervisors looking to apply for ESRC studentship funding via our Steers Studentship Competition

Each supervisor may submit only one Stage 1 Application (expression of interest), however they can submit the same Stage 1 Application to all three steers, if applicable. Please note, this applies to any application where you are named as a supervisor, not just first supervisor applications.

In line with the ESRC’s core commitment to enhancing social science capability and building capacity in priority areas, the SGSSS is running a two stage supervisor-led competition, awarding funded studentships in the following priority areas (steers):  

  • Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM)
  • Datasets
  • Interdisciplinary research which straddles other research council remits

To find out more about each steer, please see the ESRC’s Guidance on Steers and Targets (updated guidance on the steers & targets is subject to confirmation by ESRC). Please note, additional information on Datasets is included in the competition guidance.

Applications should be submitted by prospective first/lead supervisors only, based within recognised SGSSS-DTP institutions and Units of Assessment (visit this page for more). Supervisors must have undergone supervisor training within their current institution during the last 5 years. SGSSS supports applications from academics at any stage in their careers, i.e., from early career researchers to more experienced supervisors. What we do ask however, is if a less experienced academic is applying as the first/lead supervisor, that they have one or more members on the supervisory team that are experienced in supervising PhD students to completion, i.e., a supervisor with at least two PhD completions.

Second supervisors may work within any of the SGSSS 16 partner institutions. We encourage applicants to consider co-supervision with different institutions across our network. You can find more information about the SGSSS partner institutions here.

Please ensure you have read the competition guidance carefully before you apply, as well as to access the application form.

The deadline for Stage 1 Applications is 5pm (BST) on Wednesday, 25th September 2024. If successful at Stage 1, shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a 'full' Stage 2 Application on Friday, 25th October 2024.

21 Aug 2024 09:00 (GMT)
25 Sep 2024 17:00 (GMT)